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November 09, 2022 - 00:00

The local conservatives have been farming out their opinion column each week to the ironically-named Americans for Limited Government.

I say ironic because while they claim to be in favor of individual rights, apparently those rights are only for certain individuals and not others.

The most recent column faults the usual suspects - President Biden, the CDC, and the teachers’ union - for developing COVID strategies that harmed the educational progress of our nation’s schoolchildren. Isn’t is wonderful to look back with hindsight and pretend you know what would have happened if different strategies were used? The entire nation was struggling with the virus and how to keep our citizens safe.

But on the subject of “limited government”, the group apparently doesn’t mind that in Texas, the State took the decision-making ability away from the local governments. It also doesn’t mind that leaving masking and vaccination and business requirements to some individuals took rights away from others.

The biggest tragedy in terms of rural support for conservative policies lies in the effort at the top of our state government to introduce school vouchers into our education system. These vouchers take money from public schools to fund private and religious schools. Do you want to see a regression in the educational levels of our children? Take more money away from our public schools, which are already struggling to survive while billions sit in the State’s surplus account.

The real irony is that most rural voters oppose school vouchers, yet they insist on supporting everything Abbott and friends want to do.

Americans for Limited Government has a plan for the future, and healthy public schools is not a part of that plan.

Susan Hull Bandera, Texas

Editor’s Note: As mentioned at the top of this page under the “About This Page” section, this page features multiple viewpoints. It should be noted however, that the Americans for Limited Government pieces have not been “ farmed out” and have been chosen by the Bulletin to ensure a balanced page. Should a locally submitted right-leaning column be submitted, we will run it.