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Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 10:53 PM




By now it should be obvious to everyone with a pulse that there is a coordinated attempt on the part of the ruling party, the oligarchs who own them, their sycophants in the legacy media and some contributors to this page to play us all for fools. The current elected President has been shuffled off to Air Force One to vacation in all the spots he may have missed during his previous bribe collection junkets. His selected replacement is the least popular participant in the last party primary conducted 3 ¾ years ago. She has proven her animosity toward Christians and her support for all anti-Americans, but the Republican is the threat to democracy... right? Recently, a British veteran was jailed for peacefully praying on a sidewalk in the UK. If you think that prosecution for thought crimes is not coming here; you’re naive.

The legislation that comes out of Congress, often with support from agents of both parties, while it’s labeled with great sounding names like the “Inflation Reduction Act”, and the “Border Security & Combating Fentanyl Act” are anything but the name presented for public consumption. For example; the Border bill, which was defeated this year before Congress took off to lobby you at your expense for votes. The Leftists would have you believe that the bill was killed by the former president, who does not hold an elected office. They carefully omit that left-leaning organizations who are invested in flooding the country with aliens such as the National Immigration Justice Center, the ACLU, Democrats from California and elsewhere, even Bernie Sanders voted against it. Let’s look at some of the details one doesn’t get from the media. They reveal a lot about a Congress that has little interest in promoting the general welfare of Americans, and only wants to characterize the opponents as mean ethnocentrists. The bill, which expires in 3 years provided that the Border Patrol may remove aliens within a 100 miles of the border after 4,000 cross within a 7 day period. They only must remove after certain thresholds are reached, as in more than 5,000 or 8,500 per day. Presumably, if you’re fast enough to get past 100 miles; you’re home free. This week, it was revealed that the Venezuelan Tren de Anagua criminal gang had taken over four apartments complexes in San Antonio. $440,000,000 for more immigration judges, attorneys and law clerks, $36,000,000 to defend cases for “incompetents” all sure sounds like limiting illegal immigration, doesn’t it? Why in the name of all that’s holy are we letting incompetents in? Do the ones in Washington, DC need more company? It goes on and on with bigger budgets for the FBI, DEA, more for the monitoring immigration flow, detention, more bureaucrats such as asylum officers, and NGOs that subvert the current immigration laws. Here’s a fun topic: $230 million to foreign countries to repatriate their citizens; that’s not including the airfares. Add to that the extra off purpose $75 + billions to Israel, Ukraine, the Indo-Pacific and Gaza. Thank God somebody had the presence of mind to kill the bill.

Besides the border crisis the current administration created, they completely ignore their responsibility for the crushing inflation we’re experiencing. They appear to believe that it makes no difference what kind of jobs people have as long as they’re getting a paycheck, so they want to increase the number of “guaranteed-paycheckfor- life-with-a-fat-pension- government” jobs. The flaw is that they don’t understand that non-competitive public burden jobs such as these breed un-productive bureaucracies. Military, police and fire are exceptions because they have their own internal competitive structures and they are under the public eye constantly. The first thing a government worker wants to do is to hire some underlings to do any real work and to take the blame if something goes wrong. These jobs naturally have an affinity for corruption because office-holders use them to pay off favors from supporters. Many of these jobs do not increase our collective standard of living, but instead support limited interest groups and attract entitled, low productivity personnel with little incentive to provide good quality service to the paying public since their loyalty is to a political boss. Their budgets and regulations are an increasing drag on the economy. These are the paranoid people who are fabricating the outrageous lies about the America first movement. Many of them need to get out of the wagon and start pulling.

If this gets into print this week, early voting will be underway and my family will have banked our votes for the only candidate who purposes to reign in the big government aspirations of both parties and has proven his willingness to do so. Still, he needs a lot of continuing support from down the ballot. As we were constantly admonished when we were lieutenants headed off to war, we need to assault through the objective, meaning to prevent the enemy from getting any rest to consolidate for a counter attack that will surely come.

John Parker Bandera Texas


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