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Monday, March 31, 2025 at 4:40 PM



Of course, other people lying do not excuse one’s own lies, but it seems to me that the left always fails to acknowledge those of some of their own.

Remember Mr. Bill’s, I didn’t have sex with that woman. How about, If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. It’s not going to be more expensive. Then there is Dr. Fauci’s famous statement that Covid-19 isn’t something the American people need to worry or be frighted about. Of course, he was just advising President Trump, who then got the blame for it.

How about the lie that the other President made that he would never pardon Hunter?

Then there are the lies to people that believed in the protection of our Constitution. All men are created equal. That is unless you were colored in the democrat-controlled South ran by Jim Crow Laws.

Or maybe Native Americans under democrat Andrew Jackson and the Trail of Tears. FDR had his internment of Japanese Americans and the confiscation of their property. Then there is Hillary and what difference does it make? It made a big difference to one of the four left behind and their families.

But they all told us, President Biden is just fine!!

Treasury Sect. Yellen stated the exploding federal dept is not a problem.

VP Harris wasn’t the border czar according to the mainstream media.

She also was not a grassroots nominee for President as claimed by the democrat party. There were no other nominees on the ballot.

For your info, if you research Trump’s 5000 + lies, the news sources that I found were all left leaning- Huff Post, Mother Jones, NY Times, New Yorker, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, Politico, USA Today, Washington Post, Daily Beast, Yahoo/news, NPR, TIME. New facts are now coming out that some of the editors of these same News sources instructed their writers not to discuss, not to e-mail, not to publish, not to write, not to say or even to text anything negative about the Bidens. The New York Times claims Obama only told 18 lies in 8 years. The Washington Post said they wouldn’t fact check Biden after his first 100 days in office. Bill Clinton’s little lies resulted in a perjury charge.

Yet all continue to incessantly fact check Donald Trump. Interesting.

As I recall Al Gore and Hillary Clinton both questioned their Presidental lost. Neither was charged with a crime. One candidate even took their case all the way to the SCOTUS.

I don’t believe we need to worry about billionaire cabinet members taking bribes. We should have been worrying about the greedy far left socalled intellectuals. But they have been pardoned before even being charged with a crime. Go figure.

John Schuetze Bandera, Texas


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