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Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 5:37 AM


Hey Mom, you did throw the baby out with the bath water. But it's OK!

The baby is swimming around the world!

Its head goes under once in a while but It is strong and is doing just fine!

Impoundment of funds has been used since Jefferson in 1801, continuing through FDR, LBJ, and beyond. The power is an available tool for all Presidents and is inherent to the office.

Due to President Nixons heavy use of it he was taken to the SCOTUS.

Passed as a result, The Impoundment Control Act limited presidential spending cuts to the current year and deferments to 45 days with congressional approval, breaking constitutional tradition and widespread condemnation. Trump is fighting for repeal of the law. The Unions and the Libs are suing him, while the Federal Judges argue with each other. Some ruling for him, others against him. He is accused of not following the proper procedures to notify Congress to rescind or defer funding. Meanwhile, Trump used the United States Federal Government Grant Pause Act to cut waste and unneeded employees and DEI in Federal Offices and programs..

He is the Head of the Executive Branch. That means he is the Boss.

Bill Clinton passed the Line-Item Veto to cut waste, using it 82 times before NYC challenged it in SCOTUS, which ruled it unconstitutional.

Waste won under the Constitution.

The US Constitution does not include a provision pertaining to the removal of federal appointees or employees.

The President can fire any cabinet member or appointee, except federal judges, at will.

Employees are protected by Civil Service Laws; however, Trump is legality using the Federal Grant Pause to cut un-needed employees and waste. The courts will decide if there is any overstepping.

That's the Constitution working.

The President can fill cabinet and other positions without Congressional approval when Congress is not in session. The terms expire when the Congress goes into its next session. The Constitution at work. President Obama created the Dept. of Government Efficiency in 2014 and named it the United States Digital Service. It was approved by Congress and is still being funded by Congress. It first big job was to clean up the Obama Care online mess. Their main mission was to pair the country's top technology talent with the best public servants to improve the usefulness and reliability of the country's digital services. Their changes have been mostly symbolic. President Trump renamed the service Doge (Dept. of Government Efficiency) in 2025.

He put Elon Musk in charge with instructions to use digital tech to cut federal spending and maximize productivity in all agencies.

Musk did admit on Hannity the other night that , Yes, some errors may have been made. He stated that they will be corrected imminently when found or reported. Some of the reports from what has been proven to be the 'National Fake News' in the past appear to be alarming.

But can you believe them? Remember, the other LIES. Biden is fine. Trump is working with the Russians to change the election. The laptop isn't Hunters. The Constitution isn't working. Democracy is in danger. Trump is a Dictator. ETC. I wonder why he wasn't a dictator during his first term. If he had been, then Biden would never have been elected, and we would never had heard of what's her name.

I am Sorry if some are disappointed and misinformed but SOCIAL SECURITY and MEDICARE were specifically excluded from benefit cuts.

President Trump, although highly critical of some court rulings, so far has not refused to follow any.

Only two President have. Andrew Jackson and Honest Abe.

Trump has publicly stated several times that he may strongly disagree with a court ruling; he might say they are idiots or something to that effect and he will appeal. We all know, Mr. Mouth. But he says that he will follow the ruling while he appeals.

Did you notice how some Americans didn't have any issue when President Biden didn't enforce our border laws? They have no problem with all his pardons of people not even charged with a crime. But people charged 4 years ago who were still in jail awaiting a trail or sentencing is speedy justice? Some were those who just wandered in the Capitol after barriers were removed. Then there is Seattle and Portland. Double Standards?

Oh, Hello, Hunter and Hillary.

You have seen the news reports about the abuse, the waste, the kick backs, the cheating, the lying. I wonder what the human cost of the past administration's impulsive and what was surly illegal activity has been? Not to mention the enormous cost. What about the heartbreak of millions of non-vetted people crossing our border, rapist, murders, just common criminals, the influx of illegal drugs, the trafficking of children and women, the murder of American citizens. Taking the jobs of citizens. Yea, I know, jobs that they didn't want.

By the way, crossing the border illegality is a violation of our immigration laws and in itself is a criminal act. Fleeing economic hardship doesn't justify one to claim they are a refugee or an asylum seeker. Libs always forget the adjective, ILLEGAL.

Yes, do what you think is right and contact your congressman for sure.

But wait! It won't do any good.

Biden has already pardoned all of the liars, cheats and thieves.

Hillary got off free too, she just made a mistake as Comey puts it. In my opinion he is another Rhino that belongs in prison.

As if destroying over 35,000 emails, destroying sim cards, smashing cell phones and bleaching computers was just a mistake. Give me a break, while I put these classified documents in my garage. No, I didn't have sex with that woman!

I always thought Justice was a one-way dead-end street for all, but it seems that there is an exit ramp for far-left democrats and some independents appear to be waving them off.

John Schuetze Bandera, Texas


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