Editor’s note – Readers are reminded that an arrest is not an indication of guilt. People are presumed innocent after an arrest until convicted.
Although reasonable care is taken, clerical errors may exist.
In the section where those individuals who are arrested and booked are listed, law enforcement entities are denoted by the following abbreviations: SO – Sheriff’s Office; BTM – Bandera Town Marshal; DPS – Texas Department of Public Safety; PCT – Precinct/ Constable; TPW – Texas Parks and Wildlife.
Rodney Harrison, 59, arrested March 4 by SO for driving with an invalid license, released March 4.
Terrance White, 26, of San Antonio, arrested March 4 by SO for possession of marijuana, released March 4.
Heath Barmettler, 45, of Bandera, arrested March 7 by SO for failure to appear and criminal mischief.
Rachelle Fleetwood, 53, of Harvey, arrested March 7 by SO for failure to appear warrant, two traffic warrants, resisting arrest and possession of paraphernalia.
Zachariah Krischke, 54, of Lakehills, arrested March 7 by SO for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and resisting arrest.
Gilbert Trevino, 56, of Bandera, arrested March 8 by SO for aggravted assault with a deadly weapon.