Editor’s note – Readers are reminded that an arrest is not an indication of guilt. People are presumed innocent after an arrest until convicted.
Although reasonable care is taken, clerical errors may exist.
In the section where those individuals who are arrested and booked are listed, law enforcement entities are denoted by the following abbreviations: SO – Sheriff’s Office; BTM – Bandera Town Marshal; DPS – Texas Department of Public Safety; PCT – Precinct/Constable; TPW – Texas Parks and Wildlife.
Jeffery Elliot, 23, of San Antonio, arrested March 10 by SO for possession of a controlled substance, released March 11.
John Hunter, 47, of Medina, arrested March 10 by SO for criminal trespassing and a failure to appear warrant.
John Novak, 35, of Leakey, was housed for Real County on March 10.
Gus Villarreal, 42, of San Antonio, arrested March 10 by So for assaulting a public servant, possession of a controlled substance, two failure to appear warrants, driving without a license and no liability insurance.
Kendra Boehm, 23, of Bandera, arrested March 11 by SO for abandoning/endangering a child and speeding.
Terrence D’Spain, 49, of Bandera, arrested March 12 by SO on a court order.
Billy Stone, 41, of Bandera, arrested March 12 by SO for assault with bodily injury, released March 13.
Randy Wood, 61, of Bandera arrested March 12 by SO for assault with bodily injury and failure to appear warrant, released March 14.
Colby Weaver, 34, of Bandera, arrested March 13 by So for possession of a controlled substance.
Gregory Gobert, 44, of Bandera arrested March 14 by THP for first-offense DWI.