– Lynn Palmer
Bandera EDC board member Andrea Jankoski expressed her anger toward the Bandera City Council at March 11’s meeting for comments made in a Feb. 19 Bulletin article regarding the EDC’s funding for the city’s proposed Christmas in the Park budget.
“I would like to take this opportunity to address false statements made in this article,” Jankoski said. “The 39k in donations did not cover the entirety of the purchases made. It was also stated [by council member Brett Hicks] that a few EDC members rallied, went door to door with half-truths. I want to clarify that EDC members did not go door to door, and that it is the responsibility of the petition signer to read and understand what the petition regards. To diminish the petition in such a way is in poor taste.”
Jankoski went on to say that not all EDC members had changed their minds regarding the funding – that only one member had, and that the reason for the petition was that not all information had been disclosed to the EDC.
“I would imagine that my coming forward will have an effect on my reappointment to the EDC,” she continued. “It would not surprise me if the council appointment themselves or a city staff member in an attempt to seemingly diminish the voices of the people of Bandera.”
Jankoski closed with a suggestion that the city council review their ethics policy and “get their facts straight.”
Jankoski’s term comes up at the end of the month.
In response to the Bullet in, council member Lynn Palmer stated, “The city council and the EDC will work together for the betterment of Bandera as a whole.”
Palmer also serves as the EDC’s secretary, with fellow council member Debbie Breen serving as treasurer.
The remainder of the city council either declined or did not respond to the Bulletin’s request for comment.
Council Business
In other meeting business, the council renewed the lease between the City of Bandera and Republic Services of San Antonio. The council also approved a contract with the law firm Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins & Mott, LLP, to help collect delinquent court fees in coordination with Judge Mike Towers.
Councilmember Lynn Palmer raised the topic of additional safety rules and cleanup procedures for parades. Mayor Denise Griffin declared March as American Red Cross Month with an official proclamation after the minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
Bowen Crisp and Terry Gawlik, representative of Republic Services, then introduced – alongside City Administrator Stan Farmer – a request for an additional 5-year contract; the current 5-year contract set to expire on October 1st.
“We went back fifteen years to make sure we are charging you fair rates,” Gawlik stated.
Following a request from councilmember Palmer regarding the possibility of adding hazardous waste pick ups, Crisp stated that a team is actively working on putting together a program to begin curbside pick up in the near future. The additional cost to a resident would be approximately $1.50-$2.00 more. The motion passed unanimously.
Farmer then presented a request to move forward with a contract with law firm Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins & Mott, LLP, citing that the current law firm with the city had “no communication with the city”. The motion passed unanimously.
The final agenda item brought a discussion regarding the security and clean up of Cowboy Mardi Gras.
“We need more security,” Palmer said. “There were people jumping in front of floats to grab beads and candies, and it slowed the whole parade down.”
Richard Sutton, owner of the 11th Street Cowboy Bar and Cowboy Mardi Gras, stated that funding would be needed to add more security.
“Motorcycle cops cost around six-hundred dollars each,” Sutton said. “I’m all for it, but we need funding.”
At Flower’s and Palmer’s suggestion, Sutton agreed that the possibility of adding an entry fee for float participants would be a good way to fund additional security.
In the closed session, the city voted to revise the imminent domain resolution to add three properties for access to the property.