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Saturday, December 21, 2024 at 6:48 AM



The writer of this column Jodie Sinclair didn’t mention how the Republicans and Trump supporters were called “Deplorables” by Hillary Clinton a Democrat!

The article in itself was your typical fear mongering one sided opinion for wow factor.

The point is it shouldn’t matter if you are a Democrat or Republican or Independent!

What should matter is we are all Americans living a life of freedom that is eroding daily.

I’m not an Ivy League Graduate or an award winning publisher. I am a proud American and I did serve my country for 21 years in the Air Force. I did take part in Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedrom and numerous other military events. I did this service for myself, my family, my country and God so we could be free to live a great life that other countries do not allow.

The reason I decided to reply to this article is two fold.

One is to refresh the minds of why America is free. Second to remind people freedom doesn’t mean you can do what you want or be anyone you want or act anyway you want without repercussions or consequences.

We are free because numerous men and women, just kids basically, were raised with enough parental love, hope and pride to put aside their personal life and dreams to devote their life to maintain what they loved in thier family, friends, church and community! It was very prideful to announce you were going to serve your country. Has America forgot those sacrifices? This is where my second point comes in. Just because we are free doesn’t mean we can choose to do whatever we want without repercussions or consequences! A person may think they can say or do or act or live anyway they want but someone is always watching you. Whether its a child, neighbor, friend, family member or God. Those eyes are always forming an opinion. That opinion can snowball throughout future generations in what America becomes. So each person has to ask themselves are my free actions, life and decisions which I inherited from the sacrifices of others providing a better America, or am I selfish and only care about the here and now not concerned with Americas future.

Is your legacy going to be to promote the America we knew, and know and grew up in with some small time needed adjustments making it better or go totally opposite, woke, cancel culture and try to dissolve every foundation that America was built on or has stood for! Is that freedom given to us going to be the freedom that allows us to completely destroys it?

So when it comes to politics just follow your brain and your heart and vote for who best will fullfil your legacy and aligns with what you want your contribution to future America to be!

Thomas “Randy” Pittman Bandera, Texas


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