You are writing that Donal Trump is responsible for the current Border crisis because he “killed the toughest anti-immigration bi-partisan bill in years.” I would like to remind you that on day on January 20 2021 President Joe Biden signed executive orders cancelling all the measures then President Trump had put in place to control hte southern border. President Biden even before being elected President freely invited migrants to enter the United Staes. President Biden even cancelled all future construction of hte border wall. President Biden did nothing but make it very easy for migrants to enter the United States. The Border Patrol was overwhelmed and conesquently we now have illegal immigrants in our country which now have to be addressed. Many of them are criminals and associated to gangs.
You also say the US Justice Department FBI statistics indicated a decline in crime. Well the reason for the alleged recreate in rime being reorted is because state nd local distrcit attorneys are not prosecuting subjects for these crimes. Many of the crimes are now being committed by the illegal aliens themselves.
I would hope you want “law and order” to prevail. Remember “no one is above the law.”
Marcus Kaspar Bandera, Texas