Student applications open for free, reduced-price meals
Medina Independent School District (ISD) recently announced its policy today for providing free and reduced-price meals for children served under current income eligibility guidelines.
The district office has a copy of the eligibility policy, which may be reviewed by anyone on request.
The district began distributing letters earlier this month to households of Medina ISD children regarding eligibility benefits and actions households need to take to apply for these benefits.
Applications are also available at school offices.
The following criteria will be used to determine eligibility for the meal benefits: household income, wether or not the household is receiving SNAP, TANF or FDPIR, the child’s status as a foster child, homeless, runaway, migrant or displaced and the child’s enrollment in Head Start or Event Start.
For those households that qualify for free or reduced-price meals based on income, an adult in the household must fill out an application and return it to Norma Villarreal, Food Service Director, who can be reached by calling 830-589-7478 or emailing
Applicants will need to provide names of all household members, amount, frequency and source of current income for each household member and the lats four digits of the Social Security number of the adult household member signing the application, if applicable.
Medina ISD is working with local agencies to identify all children who are categorically and program eligible and will those households they do not need to complete an application.
Any household that does not receive a letter and feels it should have should contact Villarreal.
Any household wishing to decline benefits should also contact Villarreal.
Applications may be submitted anytime during the school year.
The information households provide on the application will be used for the purpose of determining eligibility.
Applications may also be verified by the school officials at any time during the school year.