Editor’s Note: The following is a letter in response to an article on page four of last week’s paper headlined “Dems hosting environmentalist.”
Water is a precious resource and I am honored to work with neighbors on water issues that impact us all. Please don’t pigeonhole my personal efforts as being one of an ‘environmentalist,’ as significant political powers use this description to dismiss our community efforts. Friends of Hondo Canyon is a motley crew of engaged, informed and committed Texans: Ranchers, Fixed Income Retirees, Landowners, Small Business Owners, Visitors, Cedar-Choppers, Tree-Huggers, Hunters, Birdwatchers, Paddlers, Fishermen, Republicans, Democrats and Independents -- who came together in 2018 to prevent one pristine stream from being polluted by the discharge of wastewater effluent. Only 22 such stream segments are left, and 4 of these are in Bandera County! We are united in our concern that the crystal clear water in our streams and rivers should be preserved for future generations. We are united in our concern that wells will go dry during drought if we do not manage our water resources. Get the facts. We can’t live without water, and there is not enough of it. Please join us in our efforts to maintain the quantity and quality of water that God so blessed us with.
Margo Denke MD
Margo Denke Griffin
Friends of Hondo Canyon
Tarpley, TX