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Monday, March 31, 2025 at 5:43 PM


WAKE UP AMERICA! 01/24/2024 00:00
The Possum Cop Chronicles
The Possum Cop Chronicles
A Country Girl Can Survive 01/24/2024 00:00
Knowing Your Role in the Great Commission
Knowing Your Role in the Great Commission
Auctioneers, book keepers, back pen workers, truck drivers. Those are just a few of the people needed to get the cattle onto the sales arena floor and back out the door in someone's stock trailer for a sales barn to be successful. 01/24/2024 00:00
Or end up with strange laws that don’t meet Texans’ real needs in today’s scary times... 01/24/2024 00:00
Don’t Smell The Dishes!
Don’t Smell The Dishes!
Many years ago when I was living in Utah with my family, I had an unusual problem with my family that I had never had before. At the time we also had a family dog. 01/17/2024 05:00
America’s Gift to Hitler
America’s Gift to Hitler
In the 1930s, Hitler and the “Germans were fascinated by the global leader in codified racism” — The United States of America. In 1935, Hitler sent 45 German lawyers to the U.S. to study the Jim Crow laws passed by the South after The Civil War that legalized racial segregation. 01/17/2024 05:00
After Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, fuhgeddaboudit!
After Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, fuhgeddaboudit!
Since the advent of the Iowa caucuses in 1972 and the South Carolina primary in 1980, the “first in the nation” political contests, including the New Hampshire primary which dates back to 1916, have been able to consistently end up selecting who the nominee for President will eventually be particularly for Republicans. 01/17/2024 05:00
Quakes prompt officials to limit disposal wells
Quakes prompt officials to limit disposal wells
The Texas Railroad Commission has suspended nearly two dozen permits that allow oil and gas companies to inject saltwater into the ground, which regulators say has contributed to increased earthquakes of greater magnitude in West Texas. 01/17/2024 05:00
Possum Cop Chronicles
Possum Cop Chronicles
When you’re a game warden, it’s all hands on deck when things go awry, and severe weather is no exception. 01/17/2024 05:00
Last year about this time, I resolved to start off the year on a positive note, but, alas. “How dare you!”... to quote young Greta. Ms. Jodie Sinclair has again turned her award-winning journalistic skills to manipulating emotions and employing the Saul Alinsky tactic of accusing her opposition of her own party initiatives. Beginning with a WWII story lauding the heroic sacrifice of our parents and grandparents to attract our patriotic emotions, she contorts into a fabricated description of a dystopian world that her Leftist followers are actualy bringing to fruition incrementally, even as the “boiling frog” analogy. 01/10/2024 00:00
What a courageous group of Marines at Tarawa. Willing to give everything to keep Americans free and end the war. It instills deep appreciation and deep sadness at the same time. I’m sure it was a difficult thing to film. You warn in your letter to the editor, that the enemy we face is now from within in the person of Donald Trump. I am a bit amazed by your foreknowledge of Trumps agenda. Authoritarian rule through the Executive branch, neutralizing the power of the Supreme Court and Congress, essentially disrupting our checks and balances? Or has that been happening or attempted already? I agree, it is time to honor those young men by doing our job. 01/10/2024 00:00
What Does “Freedom” Mean to You?
What Does “Freedom” Mean to You?
I tend to be a rule follower, but I don’t like it when rules don’t make sense or seem fair. Who gets to decide what makes sense or what is “fair”? 01/10/2024 00:00
Voter registration deadline for primary approached
Voter registration deadline for primary approached
The deadline to register to vote in the Texas Democratic and Republican primary elections is Feb. 5. Voters on March 5 will choose their nominees for president, U.S. Senator, all 38 U.S. House members from Texas, and a number of other state and local offices, from the Texas Supreme Court to district attorneys, sheriffs and county commissioners. 01/10/2024 00:00
Some Moments Never Go Away
Some Moments Never Go Away
“Red Rover, Red Rover, let Bobby come over!” 01/03/2024 05:00
The Wait
The Wait
It has been the case that during El Niño, Texas gets more rainfall. As we wait for much needed rain, one has to wonder if that pattern will be disrupted by the changing climate. Our view of the bottom of ponds and other water holes and dry creeks over an extended time certainly has been unnerving. 01/03/2024 05:00
Spate of new laws effective Jan. 1
Spate of new laws effective Jan. 1
After the Texas Legislature spent much of 2023 in session, a bevy of new laws go into effect on New Year’s Day, though some have been delayed by lawsuits challenging their constitutionality. 01/03/2024 05:00
Blackman speaking at Tuesday’s SAR meeting
Blackman speaking at Tuesday’s SAR meeting
On Tuesday, Jan. 9, the Hill Country Chapter no. 31 of Texas Society Sons of the American Revolution will hold its monthly chapter meeting at Rails, a Café at the Depot Event Center. 01/03/2024 05:00
Legal groups sue to stop new immigration law
Legal groups sue to stop new immigration law
The ink was barely dry on a law signed by Gov. Greg Abbott that makes unauthorized entry into the United States a state crime before a lawsuit was filed by civil rights groups and El Paso County challenging its constitutionality. The Austin American-Statesman reported the suit was filed in an Austin federal court by the ACLU and two immigrant advocacy groups on behalf of the county. 12/27/2023 00:00
The Hill Country CattleWomen will start the New Year with a gathering at the Y.O. Ranch Hotel and Conference Center, located in Kerrville, at 2033 Sidney Baker Street, for their annual January Legislative Meeting. 12/27/2023 00:00
Honoring America’s Millitary
Honoring America’s Millitary
“With The Marines at Tarawa” is the most terrifying World War II film I have ever seen. Every American who loves our country has an obligation to watch it. It’s real and it’s accurate. 12/27/2023 00:00
Congress must not miss an opportunity to end HIV
Congress must not miss an opportunity to end HIV
Congress and President Biden recently struck an agreement to keep the government funded through early 2024. Between now and February, lawmakers will have a chance to solve policy disagreements and, at least in theory, pass longer-term spending bills. 12/27/2023 00:00
Bandera Bulletin
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